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Wij zijn sterrenstof en onderdeel van het universum,  en worden zowel tijdens het leven     als de(bijna)dood bepaald door alle natuurwetten. Leven en bewustzijn ondergaan           een shift op het moment van de (bijna)dood en zijn gradueel in de ruimte en tijd ©

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De Vijf Fasen BDE/NDE theorie via (astro)fysica ©

Op basis van de 10-jarige interdisciplinaire detailstudie kan geconcludeerd worden dat een (theoretische) volledige BDE/NDE uit 5 fasen bestaat:

1: het loskomen van het fysieke lichaam (o.a. geluk, pijnloosheid)

2: de heenreis (o.a. de tunnelervaring, reis, lichtsnelheid) 

3: de voorlopige eindbestemming in het licht (o.a.kennis, liefde)

4: de terugreis (o.a. tunnelervaring, reizen)

5: de eenwording met het fysieke lichaam  

10 Nieuwe kenmerken ©

Tijdens de detailstudie zijn 10 nieuwe BDE-kenmerken naar voren gekomen, die niet eerder gepubliceerd zijn in de aloude dualistische verklaringsmodellen. Noch binnen de neurologische/fysieke verklaring (o.a. Prof.dr.D.Swaab) noch binnen de meta-fysieke verklaring (o.a. drs.P.v.Lommel), zijn de kenmerken specifiek genoemd, terwijl deze in vergelijking met verschillende reeds bekende kenmerken, door BDE'ers even frequent worden genoemd.

Bovendien krijgen de nieuwe kenmerken binnen de vijf-fasen-theorie extra betekenis en importantie. De nieuwe kenmerken zijn gebaseerd op empirisch onderzoek onder 78 BDE'ers, en literatuurstudie met betrekking tot honderden BDE'n:

  • De ervaring van minuscule vibraties en explosies in het fysieke lichaam;
  • Het zien van een blauw/groene en rood/roze draad of knop;
  • Het gevoel tot een stipje/dotje te worden  gereduceerd (en vice versa);
  • De onveranderende notie van 'ik ben' ondanks de realisatie uit licht/energie te bestaan;
  • Det gevoel sneller te reizen dan het licht;
  • De invloed van gedachten;
  • Het gevoel aangetrokken te worden door een soort 'magneet';
  • Het aspect van vergetelheid;
  • De ervaring (van het zien) van tornado's/vortices/draaikolken en een immense 'zandloper'. Deze wordt soms ook omschreven als een diabolo of vlinder;
  • Het zien van de aarde op een afstand en een reis langs planeten enz. (NB: sinds 2018 komt National Geographic ook met dit kenmerk)*.

*Naar aanleiding van dit laatste kenmerk is het opmerkelijk dat drs. Van Lommel  in zijn boek 'Eindeloos bewustzijn' uitvoerig de wereldberoemde dr. Jung citeert (die o.a. juist dit facet van de BDE beschreven heeft), doch verder dit kenmerkende aspect van de BDE niet signaleert.  Een fragment uit het citaat van 18 regels (vrij vertaald; Eindeloos bewustzijn, blz. 48-49):

"Het leek of ik mij hoog boven in het wereldruim bevond. Ver onder mij zag ik de aardbol, gedompeld in heerlijk blauw licht. Ik zag de zee en continenten, het subcontinent van India, de roodgele woestijn van Arabië, de Rode Zee, de bergen van de Himalaya". Tevens is het opvallend dat drs.Van Lommel tijdens een lezing op 30 april 2016 (http://conferentie-bijna-doodervaring.nl/) nog steeds aangeeft dat "álle bekénde elementen van de BDE (afgezien van de negatieve BDE) zijn voorgekomen in het onderzoek van hem, Van Wees en Meijers. Hij noemt het doodsbesef, de positieve emoties, het bewegen door een tunnel, het hemelse landschap, ontmoeting met overledenen, de buitenlichamelijke ervaring, het levensoverzicht/voorutizicht, de waarneming van kleuren, communicatie met het licht, de grens. Eenvoudig onderzoek toont echter aan dat ook o.a. de veranderende tijdsbeleving, de observatie van de fysieke wereld, snelheid, de pijnloosheid, de terugkeer, het verbindende zilveren koord, tot de reeds bekende elementen behoorden, maar niet geregistreerd zijn in voornoemd onderzoek in Rijnstate, Arnhem (1988-2002).

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Core statements:

  • We are stardust, and part of the universe, and subject to all laws of nature during our life (physicist Stephen Hawking) neardeath and after-life (Venselaar);
  • Depending the circumstances (like, cardiac arrest) > life and consciousness are gradual in (first:) space (second:) time and will shift from the physical body to another body of light (= photons) (NB: neuroscientists Persinger and St.Pierre confirmed the "deathflash" which is made from an exceptional emission of photons);
  • Dualism has dwindled in the scientific world (physicist Max Tegmark);
  • Ockhams raizor;
  • Life after (near)death is 'just' another appereance of ourselves as a being of light (NB: matter is, according to physicists, also light: frozen light) 


Intellectual rights 2006 (renewed 2020); Copyrights 2011; By Maureen Venselaar, human scientist, scientific researcher NDE's, author, and (inter)national speaker.

The five phases theory was first published in the USA, by the Institute Of Noetic Sciences and by the Near Death Experience Research Foundation in 2012 and in The Netherlands by the University of Delft, 2014.

This article describes an astonishing new, complete, non-dualistic Five Phase © theory about the near-death experience (NDE), based on the dynamics of (astro)physics. It includes all 40 features (and ten new features ; also © copyright).  The theory can be confirmed by hundreds of NDE's.

Introduction of the Near Death Experience and the traditional mainstream explanations:

The near-death experience (=NDE) is an impressive, extraordinary, life-changing event that usually happens during unconsciousness. Well-known features of the NDE are the out-of-body experience, the tunnel, and the light. In the quest to find answers about the cause of the NDE, the mainstream scientific community has so far come up with two explanations:

  • The first one considers the NDE as a neurological phenomenon (like dr. K.Nelson; and the Dutch dr.D.Swaab). Features such as the life review, the sense of being out of the body, seeing a tunnel/a light,  and seeing strange things, are caused, from this perspective, by electric stimuli, stress, a lack of oxygen, medication, hallucinations etc. This explanation identifies the brain as producing the features of the NDE and of consciousness.
  • The second explanation considers the NDE as meta-physical or supernatural (=defined in this case as an unknown world/reality outside of our known concrete world/reality) (dr.S.Taylor; and for instance the Dutch P.v.Lommel, master degree). In this theory, the brain is an interface, consciousness are not directed connected to the brain. It is considered to be receiving a presumably large and endless cosmic consciousness. The brain is a receiver of consciousness, just like a radio picks up EM-wave signals (perspective of William James, 1898). When people experience a NDE, they are therefore connected with, or part of, that special cosmic consciousness. This supernatural theory also explains such features as the life review, the experience of being out of one's own body, and the experience of speed. Nevertheless, according to drs. v. Lommel:  this theory cannot explain why a NDE occurs, or why each NDE has (partly) different features (Capelle aan de IJssel, 13 mei 2013). Besides this, according to dr. J.M. Holden the definition of the NDE by drs.v. Lommel is too superficial. 

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Source: brainharmony. If you have information i.c. copyrights please notify us.

However, these main-stream theories fail to consider that there is an important link between (the severity of the) trauma/sickness and the onset of a NDE and its typical characteristics. Moreover: they don't accept the idea that the NDE becomes more profound and more complete as the trauma/sickness grows more life-threatening. Such a statement is not - grosso modo - in accordance with the opinion of NDE-experts dr.M.Morse, R.A.Moody et al. Furthermore, neither theory takes into consideration that the NDE has successive phases. This is not in accordance with the opinion of, for instance, NDE-experts D.Fontana, J.Miner Holden, and K.Ring.  Above all, neither theory explains all features of the NDE as we know it, and, to date, no study has investigated features like seeing the earth like astronauts do, going faster than the speed of light etc, based on the scientific principle of Ockhams Razor. May be thats why even the international ComaScienceGroup (neuroscientists, University Liege) has recently concluded that both theories are insufficient (jan. 2020). 

Because of the above and challenged to discover and develop a new, coherent, all-inclusive theory. Venselaar analysed hundreds of NDE's (only NDE's, based on Greysons NDE-scale and Rings WCEI). And after more than ten years of study, she is convinced that there is a third possible explanation, which is based on a new non-dualistic framework, whereby the physical and - so called - metaphysical 'world' form one reality, and which connects severe trauma/sickness to the appearance of a NDE (whereby consciousness is gradual in space/time) and which includes all known features.

Next to this, she consider the NDE as the first part of the final total event which happens to all of us, after we die. NDE-people are convinced that they were physically dead and that they saw a glimpse of a life after life.

Prior comments:

  • In general, NDE-people do not remember or experience all features and all phases;
  • Some features appear at the same time;
  • This is a summary (of an English article, including references);
  • It doesnot describe all features, nor the negative NDE, nor the after-effects;
  • All known and - via this study - new features, are affirmed in the book 'De (bijna)dood ontrafeld' by hundreds of NDE's.   

Bron/copyrights: NASA

A preview of the new (astro)physical Five Phase NDE Theory:

As we approach the end of life, our sensorial observation/awareness decreases, our normal consciousness fades, and deep down in our physical body, at the (sub)atomic level, a fundamental process starts which releases a considerable amount of 'exotic energy' (i.e., light-energy/photons). Venselaar presumes this special 'exotic energy' is the foundation of another, new, pure and perfect body, as well as another kind of consciousness/awareness. With this new body (of exotic photons) we can travel through the barrier of space and time, as those who experience a NDE often report.

The NDE is without a doubt a real voyage.

Successive phases of a complete theoretical NDE:

Phase 1: the separation from the physical body;

Phase 2: a journey (through a tunnel) to a heavenly light;

Phase 3: being in the presence of the light, near a border;

Phase 4: the return (through a tunnel)  to the physical body (the dead do not return, but cross over the border);

Phase 5: unification with the physical body.

Explanation of the (astro)physical Five Phases Theory

Phase 1: The separation

Summary of concrete experiences:

When people are severely traumatised (e.g., due to an accident or severe physical/mental changes/sickness or old age) they lose their normal consciousness. They also feel vibrations and countless small explosions deep in their physical bodies.  Almost instantly, NDE-people experience another kind of consciousness and a different body, often seeing their own physical bodies while, for example, standing next to it (=autoscopy). This is the beginning of the out-of-body experience and the NDE. NDE-people realise that they have a 'ghostly' body of (light)energy, which seems to be a copy of their physical body, but they don't notice any change in their personality. Sometimes they see other beings of light. These are their guides to 'heaven'. NDE-people don't feel the pain of their physical body anymore. They are happy, peaceful. They can hear and see, in a different way, but they cannot communicate with family/friends or doctors/nurses who are giving medical care. Sometimes NDE-people hear doctors pronounce a declaration of death.

Scientific/theoretical ground:

  • We are made of starstuff  (C.Sagan, astrophysicists). (Also in the deepest sense);
  • We are subject to all Laws of nature during our life. Laws of nature are always in control. They effect our individual lives. We are part of the universe (S.Hawking, theoretical physicist, cosmologist);
  • Support for dualism among scientists has gradually dwindled (M.Tegmark, cosmologist);

  • Physics and metaphysics, normal and paranormal come together. its the big picture. They frame reality (T.Campbell, physicist. N.B.: Campbell mentioned this i.c. his theory of everything);
  • The frontiers of physics have gradually expanded to incorporate ever more abstract and once metaphysical concepts (M.Tegmark, cosmologist);
  • Mass (as a features of all physical matter) and energy are both manifestations of the same thing, in different ways. And very small amounts of mass can be turned into large amounts of energy, and large amounts of energy can be turned into very small amouts of mass (A.Einstein, theoretical physicist);
  • Energy and matter are also interchangeable, in fact: they are really the same (B.Koberlein, astrophycist);
  • Light is energy;
  • Light can be turned into matter (Rose & Pike, physicists);
  • In physics, the Law of conservation of energy (the first law of thermodynamics) states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Rather it transforms from one form to another (Newton, physicist and mathematician);
  • The atoms of our body are buzzing with all kinds of energy. There is kenetic energy of the nuclei, potential energy of the interaction between electron, potential energy of the interactions between nuclei, and potential energy of the interaction between electrons and nuclei (H.Hahn, physicist).
  • So where does our 'life-energy'  go at the moment of the increase of entropy of the whole system, c.q. at the moment of (near)death? Does it transform?
  • Dijkgraaf, theoretical physicist, is convinced that if our physical body could transform into energy, this would be enough energy for the USA for one year (Dijkgraaf, 2013);
  • The scientific research of (the school of) biologist and medical scientist Gurwitsch (1874-1954) determined that, for example, cancer-cells with necrotic spots release ultraviolet radiation (= elektromagnetic radiation = the smallest increment of radiation = photon = photons carry the eletromagnetic force and they are very small subatomic/submicroscopic packets c.q. bundles of light. They are light-quanta and bundels of energy);
  • All living organism emit low-intensity light but at the time of death this radiation is 10 to 1000 times stronger than that emitted under normal conditions. This deathflash (also called: S.O.S. light, light shout) is independent of the cause of death, and reflects in intensity and duration the rate of dying.The electromagnetic field produced by necrotic radiation, containing energy, internal structure, and information,may permit continuation of consciousness beyond the death of the body. (Janusz Slawinski, Electromagnetic radioation and the afterlife, Institute of physics of the pedagogical university Krakow, Poland; 1987);
  • Theoretical biophysicist Popp (1938-2018) determined that severe sick/tainted cells release a substantial amount of light-energy in the form of photons;
  • Neuroscientists Persinger and St.Pierre acknowledge the extreme emission of photons or the the death-flash (2011);
  • The release of light-energy from a traumatized body can also be affirmed, indirectly, by other scientific research. Researchers established that ín (Chawla) and néar the physical body (P.M.H.Atwater) of severe traumatized/dying people, the electromagnetic values (those related to light) change;
  • In this context, family members, friends, doctors/nurses occasionally have seen (throbbing) mist/fog/light leaving the body of dying people, which forms another new exotic light-body. According to them, it has human forms and it is a perfect reproduction. A silver energy cord or thread connects the disembodied entity to the traumatized physical body. The body of light/mist takes off and fades. But nevertheless, family/friends have seen that this new body is a real copy of the physical body of their dying loved one. Perhaps the emission of photons creates a copy of the physical body due to the fact that photons are related to the transfer of information, in this case about the shape etc. of the physical body from where they came. In 1967, Croockall, a geologist and well-respected investigator of out-of-body experiences, reported observations of mist emanating from the physical body at the moment of near death and also that the mist occupes a horizontal position over the body, at the beginning and end . Other reports of luminous, misty or other types of emanations were presented by psychiatrist Laubscher (1975), McAdams  (1984), Alvarado  (1987), Wilss-Brandon  (2000) e.g. Venselaar confirmed this phenomenon in 2011 and 2013 by interviewing family members of NDE-people  and of dead people;
  • In order to see anything the retina needs to pick up at least 40 photons per second (Dierickx). And only one person can see a specific photon: when we see a photon we annihilate it at the same time (Young, cosmologist);
  • Photons are light-quanta, they carry/mediate the electromagnetic force (Sutter, astrophysicist), and they are related to the relativity of space/time by Nimtz&Stahlhofen and team Kleihaus (physicists), and to (the transfer of) information by Howell (physicist);
  • Besides this, the assumption is that photons are related to consciousness (F.A.Popp, and physicist F.Dyson> also: electron, neutrino etc.), to the relativity of space/time (Nimtz & Stahlhofen, physicists), to the storage and processing of information (Howell, physicist; Spekkens, physicist) and to the creation of this universe (Cox, physicist);
  • All matter in this universe - which includes our physical body is also light, but in a condensed frozen state (Bohm,quantum physicist Bohm). Other physicists, like Koberlein, speak about frozen light;
  • There are more types of photons/light. For example: photons have the properties of waves and particles, they can be virtual or not, visible or not (cf. the rainbow colors, whereby the rays on the red end of the visible light spectrum have longer wavelengths with less energy, and rays on the blue end of the spectrum have shorter wavelengths and more energy). They are currently understood to be strictly massless. However, research of Firstenberg, Peyronel, Liang, Gorshkov, Lukin and Vuletić has proven that photons can travel as massive particles with strong mutual attraction. Besides that, astronomers Jiménez and Maroto do expect that researchers will discover a new kind of photon with science-fiction properties;
  • Photons that do not interact (e.g. by a gascloud) or are not absorbed (e.g. by a molecular cloud or a nebulae) stay photons for ever. They live for ever (Sutter, physicist).                                                                                                   

A cautious conclusion:

If one's physical body (which is formed by frozen light in accordance with the ideas of physicist Bohm) is severely traumatised,  deep down in the physical body, at the (sub)atomic level, a fundamental process starts which releases a considerable amount of 'exotic energy (i.e. light-energy/photons). NDE people feel vibrations, buzzing sensations, waves of energy going through their physical bodies (it is the start of the law of conservation of energy). And due to this process, they have a sense of leaving their physical bodies with a body of 'exotic' light and another kind of consciousness. It is the 'soul' the 'spirit'. An out-of-body experience will occur. They will have an autoscopy. This is the beginning of the near-death experience, which is according NDE people: part of the life after life. NDE'rs are beings of light-energy (formed by exotic photons). Our life after life body is just another manifestation/state of light.

At such transitional moments, daily consciousness, connected to the brain under normal circumstances, transforms into a broader consciousness. But its still part of a concrete reality: our universe (and not part of a so called supernatural, metaphysical world) Life and consciousness can break the barrier of space ánd time in the universe. And: this 'new' consciousness is still quite personal (as NDE people describe). Moreover: because it is likely that the photons that form the new body are indestructible and can travel in space/time, the next life can be 'for ever'. 

Finally, the emitted photons out of our physical body, which form our new exotic body, are probably quite capable of carrying information about who we were and are. Thus the new exotic photon body can be roughly the same as the physical body (N.B.: hindu teaching tells the same thing: our life-after-life body is an exact counterpart of our physical body. We will have the same appearance which we possessed in our youth).

Therefor, life after life is just another representation of ourselves as beings of light-energy, in time and 'eternity'.

Besides this: Venselaar emphasize the importance of more research i.c. the  emission of photons, cause she assumes this phenomenon can be a new extra criteria for the death declaration.

Phase 2: The journey through a tunnel

Summary of concrete experiences:

As a trauma grows more severe, NDE-people (as beings of pure exotic light) travel further from their physical bodies. They see, for example, the roof of the hospital from above. They gain speed. And after a while they are surrounded by a dark cold space and they sometimes see grey/dark beings. Almost concurrently, they see the earth as astronauts do. And even more, they travel beyond planets, stars and our Milky Way (i.e., relativity of space).They hear all kind of nice and scary sounds. But they also realise that (as bodies of light) they are becoming as small as dust or grains of sand. A hole opens in space (NDE people say they spiral toward this hole). But there is also a tunnel (which feels narrow but endless, made out of energy, and seems to float in space). NDE-people travel through this tunnel at or faster than the speed of light (i.e., relativity of time). Besides this, they experience the attraction of a huge 'magnet', a beautiful heavenly light that grows larger and larger. All the while, they experience beautiful sounds and colors. Again, these descriptions are drawn from the research of Venselaar.

Scientific/theoretical  ground:

  • The universe is a dark and cold place. The average temperature in todays universe is -273 degrees Celsius, or 2,73 Kelvin;
  • There are all kinds of elusive "sounds" in space. Two examples: 



  • Dýing/traumatised cells in our physical body release an enormous amount of exotic light-energy in the form of photons. Neuroscientists Persinger and St.Pierre speak - as said before - about the death flash. It concerns countless photons. However, dead cells do not emit photons anymore;
  • Light can escape without difficulty from the earth. Its gravity does not have mucht effect on light (S.Hawking);
  • The air is matter. light travels through various matter at different speeds. Besides this, through air the speed of light is slower than the speed of light in a vacuum (the air particles slow the photons down). In outer space c.q. the (airless) vacuum, the speed of light is ± 300.000 km/s;
  • as said before - concerning the emission of light - at (near)death cells emit electromagnetic radiation/photons. Furhtermore: dying cells in our physical body release a mucht greater amount of light-energy in the form of photons. And radiation (or: emission of photons) even increases by the factor 1000, and the whole body energy emission is called the death-flash. All light will be released. but at the moment of death the emission of photons is zero. Venselaar suggests that this phenomenon is worth exploring as a possible new added criterion for the death-declaration);
  • An uneven distrubution of energy can cause a curvature of spacetime;
  • Mass (a property of matter) and energy can curve spacetime (A.Kritchevsky);
  • Light (= energy) can curve/bend spacetime (Berezdivin, and also Patel, physicists);
  • A black hole is the most extreme example of the curvature of spacetime. Its a real hole in the 'fabric' of the cosmos;
  • Near a blackhole time effectively stops (A.Kritchevsky);
  • Light cannot escape the gravitational attraction of a black hole. It spiral toward a black hole. A black hole bends space and time and light just follows this path;
  • Information is not lost once it enters a black hole (S.Hawking; K.Thorn);
  • In the scientific community has proven that blackholes exist on astrophysical scale, and the assumption is that the also exist on physical (microscopic/subatomair) scale;
  • On the astrophysical scale, stars explode at the end of their lives and release a certain quantity of stardust, energy and matter. After that, roughly three things can happen:
    • If a star has little mass, the dust, energy, matter form a nebula;
    • If a star has more mass, the dust, energy, matter form a compact, round nebula;
    • If a star has a very great mass, the dust, energy, matter ultimately collapse and form a black hole. In other words, the strong contraction of a substance can result in a black hole;
  • A black hole can also be part of a wormhole (= Einstein-Rosen bridge). This is a theoretical construct. The assumption is that a wormhole is an endless tunnel through space (with an exit) in which time can becomes relative (physicists Davies en Mallett; astrophysicist David etc). It is a connection between distant points in space (Thorn, Hawking). It is an instant shortcut through spacetime. It concerns billions of lightyears or more (Wikipedia);
  • The theory of wormholes includes that they are traversable (Bronnikov, theoretical physicist; Thorne; M.Kaku);
  • Wormholes can be nárrow tunnels through space R.Gott, astrophysicist; Hawking; Ortiz, theoretical physicist; Johnson, theoretical physicist);
  • Its quite possible that light can enter a wormhole (R. Owen, physicst);
  • Physicists G.Nimtz and A.Stahlhofen have concluded that photons can travel faster than the speed of light through a so called: photon-tunnel. Tunneling particles can cross space instantaneous (= quantum tunneling);
  • In theory photons can travel through wormholes (team Kleihaus, Kunz and Kanti;  Butcher, astrophysicist);
  • Scientists at CERN acknowledge the possibility that tiny black holes ánd tiny wormholes exist (physicists of CERN: M.Faizal, M.Khalil, A.Farag Ali; and respectively De Rújula, B.Cox). These phenomena might appear at the subatomic, submicroscopic level; Whital, atomic physicist Steinhauer has simulated in his laboratory some kind of blackhole (including an event horizon) as small as a tenth of a millimeter (triggered by blue laser, whereby the soundwaves coming out of the blackhole has positive energy and the energy going into the blackhole has  negative energy. These kind of blackholes have the same equations as normal black holes (Steinhauer, J., scientist Atomic physics labaratory); 
  • Wormholes through this universe are called: intra-universe wormholes;
  • Wormholes are in line with Einsteins Law of general relativity (according to theoretical physicist J.Wheeler) and also in line with the laws of nature/the universe;
  • Astrophysicists from the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, claim it is mathematically possible that space-time tunnels exists and that our galaxy could really contain one of these tunnels (Professor Paulo Salucci);
  • Researchers are investigating Einstein's Spooky-action-at-a-distance  and  the extent to which these weird correlations can span time as well (physicists S.Brierley; C.Brukner e.g.). (N.B.: a spacial wormhole for magnetic fields is already developed by scientists of the Autonomous University of Barcelona);

A cautious conclusion:

As one gets closer to the end of their life (due to trauma/sickness/old age), the unstable, sick or dying atoms/cells of the declining physical body release an increasing number of photons. The more photons that are released, the more compact the new/other body becomes (due to the curvature of spacetime by the energy of the photons, and quantumgravity). The more compact the cluster of photons becomes, the more complete and profound the NDE.

(NB: dr.R.Dijkgraaf, director and Leon Levy professor of Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, is convinced that if our physical body could transform into energy, there would be enough energy for the USA, for one year).

Venselaar suggest (in accordance with the Principle of Correspondence, one of the seven Hermetic Principles) that three things can gradually happen after the release of different amounts of photons (depending on the progress and severity of the trauma):

  • the creation of a ghostly body (i.e., a nebula) when a relatively small amount of photons are released;
  • the creation of a 'body' in the form of a ball/a dot/a grain of sand (i.e., a compact nebula) if the release of photons increases, due to a more severe trauma and more unstable atoms/dying cells;
  • the creation and opening of a blackhole (i.e., the opening of a tunnel, the spinning into it, and travelling through this tunnel) when a substantial quantity of photons is released, due to an accelerated pace of unstable atoms/dying cells and the approach of the end of the physical life. The uneven distribution of photons/energy can cause a curvature of spacetime. As beings of light the 'ghostly body of light' will be reduced to a tiny dot. This seems strange but, related to the endlessness of our universe, it is not important whether we are 1.75 m tall or as small as a grain of sand. Spacetime will curve, and in the end, a small blackhole opens and a tiny wormhole comes into existence. NDE-people speak about "narrow tunnels' and 'endless strings of very elastic energy'. Such a string/tunnel forms a connection between the dying physical body and the new body of exotic light. (NB.: the Jewish/Christian teaching seems to describe this as the silver cord).

Basicly: as the trauma gets more life-threatening, one gains more distance from his/her physical body and our blue planet. One also gains speed passing - first - the more densed parts of the earth atmosphere and - later on - the more teneous parts. They rise above the clouds (the average heigth of clouds are 2 -12 kilometer) and they starts to see the earth like astronauts do. They gain even more speed in space (the vacuum) and travel beyond our planets (also according to National Geographic) and the Milky Way (= relativity of space). They travel (as dots of lights) further and further, faster and faster, and realise the curvature of spacetime and the opening of an hole, and a tunnel. Through this unique tunnel (a tiny intra-universe wormhole) they travel faster than the speed of light (relativity of time). After a while, and somewhere near the edge of our universe, they reach that most beautiful heavenly light - the  magnet - at the end of the tunnel. Over there, they come to an halt.

(N.B.: again: Hindu teaching reveals the same thing. Krishna has told: "Now I travel faster than the speed of light, from planet to planet". Additional remark: Cosmology of the Ancient World described just a few planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter). It was not until ±1900 that cosmology started to describe the Milkyway, prof.dr.R.Dijkgraaf).

Phase 3:  Final destination (for the time being): the light.

Summary of concrete experiences:

NDE-people report slowing down as they reach the beautiful light at the edge of a 'heavenly world'. However, they also experience a border that they realize cannot be crossed. Its a point of no return. Only the truly 'dead' cross that border (after their privat tunnel through space has closed/ the silver cord has broken) and enter the eternal world of (warm) light. It reflects the divine. And besides this, the light is the source of everything that is. 

Near the light there is also no clear distinction between the past, present and future. Time is relative. NDE-people will have a life review and sometimes a life prospect (how their future might unfold). They will see other beings of light (in most cases their 'deceased' family members) and a higher, spiritual being of light. Communication is instant. There is also a moment of judgment, but that moment is full of grace and love. According to NDE-people,  light = love = knowledge/ information. In addition, NDE-people report that they received in the light all answers to all the questions of humankind.

Moreover, NDE-people see two huge tornadoes appearing as an immense 'hourglass': the upper tornado is spinning clockwise and outward, the lower tornado is spinning counter-clockwise and inward. One seems also to be a lot bigger than the other. And according to NDE people: in the heart of the 'hourglass' is all energy of the cosmos.

N.B.: NDE-people describe this 'hourglass' sometimes as a 'diabolo', a 'butterfly' or two vortices. Eben Alexander (former neurosurgeon) during (induced) coma (physician L.Potter: delirious but conscious), as a result of a bacterial assault: "At that point I was floating/flying on the wings of a butterfly..

copyrights: M.Venselaar;              




Scientific/theoretical ground:

  • Travel at the speed of light, time stops (DeGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium; Young, cosmologist);
  • Concerning spacetime: the difference between the past, present and future is only an illusion. They are all equally real (Greene). The past is not gone, the future is not non existent (Tegmark) ;
  • Light is related to (the transfer of) information (Howell);
  • The beginning or the border of a black hole is an event-horizon. It is a boundary, a point of no return. Once particles (or photons) are inside the horizon, moving into the hole is inevitable;
  • A black hole is far from black. It is surrounded by light, much light  (Hamilton, astrophysical and planetary scientist);
  • Information is not lost once it enters a blackhole (Stojkovic);
  • The primary cause of the cosmic background radiation is hot and consists of high light energy (gamma rays). The cosmic background radiation is the source of almost all the photons in the sky. It is the oldest and brightest light in the universe (Sutter, physicist); (NB: nowadays the radiation is stretch out into radio-waves  (Dijkgraaf);
  • The assumption of Venselaar is that this other black hole (after the privat tunnel through space via the intra-universe wormhole) forms the beginning of an 'inter-universe wormhole'. This is a wormhole and connection betwéen universes;
  • Black holes may be portals to another paralllel universe (Hawking);
  • Black holes  as a part of wormholes can be tunnels to another universe (De Grasse Tyson; Kaku);
  • The old idea of the Big Bang is a dogma. Maybe it is a permanent collision of universes (Venselaar);
  • This can relate to the theory that there is more than one universe (according to theoretical physicists Turok and Steinhardt; cosmologist and physicist Guth; cosmologist Tegmark; physicist Mir Faizal, et al);
  • A theoretical astrophysical model of the cosmos is the hourglassmodel with two opponent universes;
  • In case of two universes, one universe is made of matter (where we live in), the other universe is made of anti-matter ;
  • There should be an anti-matter twin of our universe, but this anti-matter universe is missing so far;
  • NASA (AMS project) is in search for such an anti-matter universe (left picture).

NASA/AMS i.c. two universes

A lightcone (wikipedia). And Venselaar presumes that the centre can be (on cosmic scale) : a never ending BigBang, which creates our universe and at the same time the opponent universe.

  • An 'hourglass-model'  has an upper tornado/universe and a lower tornado/universe; one tornado is spinning clockwise and outward (efflux), the other tornado is spinning in the opposite direction: counter-clockwise and inward (reflux).  And one tornado/vortex is upside down;
  • There should be an anti-matter twin universe. Even if charge, the parity and the march of time is reversed, the resulting universe would stil obey all laws of physics (M.Kaku);
  • Universes can be connected and separated by a wormhole (Poplawski, theoretical physicist);
  • This wormhole is in both ways a black hole and a white hole and is probably a never ending Big Bang, or collision of universes. Such a wormhole is - as said before - an inter-universum wormhole;
  • A black hole and the accretion disk, or any other massive gravitational source, are vortices;
  • There are different vortex types;
  • One of the assumptions of theoretical physics is that there is an spacetime continuum vortex. Spacetime 'medium' circles around in a vortex (Gordon, theoretical physicist); a vortex is a rapidly spinning, cirular or spiral flow of - in hoc -  spacetime around a central axis.
  • Spacetime vortex is confirmed by NASA;
  • Spacetime can be a continuum;
  • Two universes can be part of a cyclic continuum;
  • A model of a continuum of the total cosmos is the torus. The core is created by the two opposite spirals/vortices (=vortex);
  • The torus as an attractor can make space and time relative and brings order into disorder;
  • And the hypothesis of two (or more) universes can explain the cold spot on the WMAP-photo of the universe (L.Mersini) and also the dark flow. This flow indicates a presence of some external source influencing and sweeping matter from our  universe; In other words: it is possible that a sibling universe is pulling content of our universe outward (team  Kashlinsky, NASA, Greenbelt);
  • Superstring theory allows for two universes, whereby one is huge, one is tiny.

A cautious conclusion:

During a NDE, people travel in space-time through a small elastic and almost endless private tunnel (i.e. intra-universe wormhole) to the edge of our universe. However, this narrow tunnel stays connected to the traumatised/dying physical body and is held open by a special exotic energy, in part by one's own energy. The tunnel ('silver cord') is an open connection as long as the physical body has (remote) signs of life.

The image one sees of an 'hourglass' is formed by two tornadoes, which spin in opposite directions. Venselaars supposition is that these tornadoes are two different universes; one of them is our own and the other is an astral universe whose essence is a variety of subtle vibrations of light.

The 'heavenly' universe is huge, lightweight, warm, light and mainly intended for anti-matter and immaterialisation. Our universe - as the opponent - is small, heavy, cold, dark and mainly intended matter and materialisation. This is according to the Principle of Polarity). As mentioned before, superstring theory allows for two universes of differing sizes.

(N.B.: Hindu teaching: there are two universes. The entire physical creation hangs like a little solid basket under a huge luminous balloon of the astral universe. This universe is made of various subtle vibrations of ight and color).                                                           

In the center, at the edges where both universes meet, there is another wormhole (formed by a black hole and white hole, vice versa). This one is different from our private black hole and intra-universe wormhole/tunnel through space-time. It is the beginning of a huge inter-universe wormhole or 'door' to another astral universe. The entrance is very likely not private but common.

On the event-horizon at the border of the inter-universe wormhole, NDE-people are stopped; they don't cross the border and enter the (common) inter-universe wormhole to 'heaven'/ the astral universe. Dead people do - after their tunnel has been closed - and experience eternal life.

However, NDE-people are still stuck to their physical body by this endless tunnel or string of very elastic energy, as NDE-people report (as Venselaar speculated earlier, this is probably a tiny intra-universe wormhole through space-time). The event-horizon of the big inter-universe wormhole is surrounded by light (a concrete magnetic force which is  the source of everything in our universe. Its is a never ending BigBang.

One sees the 'ghostly reflection' of deceased loved ones,  likely also composed of indestructible photon bodies. The communication is immediate and seems to be telepathic as informed (non-local) photons are exchanged. The life-review (or life-prospect) is made possible by the relationship between photons and the information they carry and by holographic phenomena, whereby the past, the present and the future comes together. According to NDE-people one day is like thousands of years, v.v. (NB.: it is interesting to compare this to the Jewish/Christian teaching). Time is relative.

And the fact that light = information may explain why they gain knowlegde of the answers to all questions of humankind. All information is available here, due to the fact that light is information. And its likely that this light at the event horizon include also all the information about everything that disappears behind the mist/fog/stardust/light near the blackhole and wormhole to this other heavenly universe. (NB.: world views like for instance Judaism, Christianity, Islam, consider God as omniscent).

      Black hole (NASA)

with personal consent of Yuri Hahalev who has the copyrights

Creative Commons

NB the supposition of Venselaar is that there are two universes: ours, and an opponent. This other one is:

  • light
  • warm
  • bigger
  • lightweight
  • anti-matter
  • opposite spin, flux and charge (negative).

Both universes are connected by an inter universe wormhole, and part of the attractor Torus. It is a continuum.

And Venselaar assumes that this is the TOE (theory of everything or: the unification theory), also because of the resemblance with the lightcone and the artistic impression of a photon (the artistic impression of a photon is based on the one of the University of Michigan, department of physics, and J.H. Andersen), and the symbol of YinYang (TAO).

Old wisdom seems to fuse with new scientific insights. And maybe the Torus/the various vabritions of light (which create on the (sub)atomic level: matter and anti-matter (the physical and non-physcial world, the normal and paranormal, body and mind etc and on cosmic scale our universe and an opponent) is the overarching set of principles which frame one inseparable reality.

The lightcone can be a model of 2 universes. The core is formed by a inter-universe wormhole, incl. a white and black hole, vice versa, c.q. a never ending BigBang. 

 The attractor Torus with in the core the 2 universes, ours and an opponent. Its a never ending continuum, whereby energy transform in matter and vice versa

Artistic impression of a 3D photon, by M.Venselaar, following the model of J.H.Andersen in conjunction with particle physicists of th University of Michigan

 The symbol of YinYang (= Tao)

Phase 4: the return

Summary of concrete experiences:

NDE-people report seeing a blue/green or red/pink beam of light that they can (sometimes) choose between. They know for sure that the blue/green beam means continuing their life on earth; the red/pink beam means the end of life on earth, but the beginning of eternal life behind 'the door to heaven'. Their thoughts (and the thoughts of the higher spiritual being) seem to be rather crucial  to this choosing process. NDE-people return, often against their will, through a still-open private tunnel/connection, back into their physical bodies. And for the second time they see stars and planets during their return.

Scientific/theoretical ground:

  • The beams of light are probably due to the Doppler-effect (Doppler was a mathematician and physicist), a phenomenon in the universe where blue/green light is created when stars/matter/stardust approach us and red/pink light is created when stars/matter/stardust recede from us.
  • As said before: small tiny intra-universe wormholes can exist (B.Cox; A.De Rujula, CERN) and wormholes can make space and time relative, and can be endless (physicist Davies).

A cautious conclusion:

NDE-people return through a narrow, but almost endless, private intra-universe wormhole/tunnel through space. This is still the connection with their physical body.

The red/pink and blue/green colors are most likely explained, amongst other phenomena, by the Doppler-effect. When NDE-people approach that beautiful lovely light (this whirlpool of energy and matter, the everlasting 'big bang' where two universes meet) they see that matter is coming toward them out of the causal source that creates everything we know in this universe (the process of materialisation). Therefore, this energy/matter looks blue/green. They also see the color red/pink. This is created by energy/matter (and so on) moving away from them and toward the black hole 'door' to that other universe, travelling farther and farther away from the galaxy/earth and the physical body.

These colorful beams of light, in combination with the thoughts of NDE-people (and/or the thoughts of the higher spiritual being of light), seem to determine the destiny. Thoughts are crucial, not only during the life-review but also in (re)setting one's goal (destiny/life-prospect). But in the end, the severity of the trauma of the physical body is also a determining factor.

Finally, one travels back as a 'dot' through the tunnel/intra-universe wormhole through space-time, passing stars and planets. In the end they enter the earth atmosphere.

Phase 5: Unification

Summary of concrete experiences:

NDE-people approach/re-enter the physical body as a ball/a dot, and then experience a sensation of expansion, while  regaining full connection. They again feel a kind of vibration during the process of reconnection as well as the pain of the physical body (if they regain daily consciousness).

They have usually forgotten the wisdom and information they received when they were near the heavenly light. This feature of forgetting also applies to those who don't recall the NDE or any kind of out-of-body experience or journey. Some  NDE-people wish to return to the heavenly light.

Scientific/theoretical ground:

  • Nowhere is gravity exactly the same: neither on earth nor throughout the universe. Therefore the attraction between objects/stars/stardust and so on, is not always the same. Due to (absence of) gravity, objects/stars/stardust can cluster (or not). Gravity creates all kind of effects.
  • Gravity exists on an astrophysical scale (concerning the universe) and on a physical scale (concerning particles/kwanta)(B.Cox).
  • Besides that it is proven that the cell/molecular mancinery of our body can emit photons, there is also a growing evidence that suggests that the molecular machinery of life emits and absorb photons (and that this light is also a new form of cellular communication; ArXiv.com, may 22, 2012, Biophoton Communication: Can Cells Talk Using Light?)

  • Venselaar presumes that this light (and therefor: information) is the essence of consciousness.

A cautious conclusion:

When NDE-people return from the light back to earth, they return with a compact body. This is maintained during their journey through the tunnel/the private intra-universe wormhole (due to the fact that the force of gravity is very extreme in a blackhole and wormhole).

But after this journey they 'unfold' into their physical body and connect with it. All the photons or light-energy (c.q. the life-energy) flows back into the cells/atoms of the physical body. Electromagnetic values probably change again.  As the trauma stabilises or decreases, one regain daily consciousness, and sometimes they remember (parts of) a NDE (compare this to the myth of soldier Er, a legend that concludes Plato's Republic. Er suffers a near fatal war injury, and was already burning at the stake. During his NDE he experiences peace and joy, a journey from darkness to light, seeing several whirls, and visions of extraordinary beauty. But he was also strongly told nót to forget anything of this).

Eventually NDE-people feel the pain of the physical body again and have to deal with all kinds of after-effects of the NDE.


All features of the near-death experience can be explained by a coherent consistent non-dualistic (astro)physical theory, whereby the  (illusionary) border, between the 'material' world and the - so called -  'metaphysical/immaterial/ supernatural' world, and also the physical and the light-body, is gradual.

Moreover: the NDE is a journey through the barrier of space and time, in five phases (concerning a theoretical complete NDE).

It appears due to severe trauma/sickness whereby deep down in the physical body, at the (sub)atomic level, a fundamental process starts, which releases an extraordinary great amount of light-energy (photons) which forms the new afterlife light-body and the new broader consciousness.

The NDE becomes more profound and more complete (with all features) as the trauma/sickness grows more life-threatening.

The total (astro)physical event causes progressively more distance from the earth (and one's physical body).The first three phases of the NDE form the first part of 'eternal life'. Life after life is - in general - the same for everyone, all over the world, regardless one's view of life, culture, race, gender, social class, etc. We are stardust, and part of the universe, and subject to all laws of nature, in life and afterlife, in time and eternity.

Maureen Venselaar © 2011, The Netherlands


Naast positieve ervaringen van licht, komen soms ook negatieve ervaringen voor, die volgens BDE'ers o.a. worden gekenmerkt door eindeloze leegte en zwarte mist en door het gevoel ergens in het heelal te zweven waarin het licht van geen enkele ster doordringt. Coppes, voorzitter van Netwerk NDE/Stichting Merkawah (tot 2019) schrijft:

Om helachtige toestanden te vermijden, lijkt zelfmoord een van de dingen waar wij erg voorzichtig mee moeten zijn. Het is beslist niet het beste wat we kunnen doen. (aldus Coppes B., in: Bijna-doodervaringen en de zoektocht naar het licht. Hij spreekt hier in de lijn van Moody, Grey, Ring en Franklin).